Below are a list of Services Geb Hetep Wholistic Center, Inc. provides.
Colon Hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation has been around for thousands of years dating back as far as ancient Egypt. It is one of the fastest and most effective ways to rid the body of harmful toxins usually within a colonic session approximately 35-40 min long.
It can be used to assist a variety of digestive, alimentary and skin disorders and be of great value in weight loss or weight management programs. The immediate effect of a colon Hydro-therapy session is a feeling of lightness and an enhanced sense of well-being. It reduces stress making it easier to cope with life challenges.
For thousands of years different cultures around the world have understood the therapeutic value of heating the body for better health, healing and vitality. They observed that the body’s natural response to healing itself was to do just that causing what we know as a temperature. The ancients took the cue from the body and created various ways to emulate this natural response. Today sauna sessions are as luxurious as they are healing. With the combination of therapeutic infra-red heat within a soothing and healing environment a saunas session should be a part of any health or healing regiment.

Therapeutic touch has been used as a technique for healing across cultures and across the globe. It has been part of every ancient healing ritual and has been incorporated in spas and resorts as an essential tool for relaxation and wellness.
Today, massage therapy is no longer considered a luxury but a necessity to health and well-being. More and more people are utilizing the benefits of therapeutic and / or relaxation massages to alleviate stress, tension, aches and pains and to help them cope with life situations. Whether it’s for neck and back pains or headaches, stiff joints or muscle aches massage therapy has finally taken its place among the favored technique that is utilized for relief.
The Geb Hetep hands-on healing services include Reflexology and Reiki, Swedish Massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Myofascial Release. These services are available as individual sessions or as combination bodywork sessions.
Geb Hetep Wholistic Center
1344 Pacific Street, Suite 1 W, Brooklyn, NY 11216,
(718) 501-6045/44​